Don looked up through the engine from below, inspecting every joint and mend. His years of experience as a racer and mechanic mean he was exactly the right man for me to take along. So while he went through the checks with a fine tooth comb I tried to look like I had some idea of what he was talking about and not look like the complete idiot I felt I was.
Checks done and Don happy I handed over the deposit for my new car -a 1964 Austin Cambridge Saloon. The Escape Committee now finally has the means to get on the road.
Initial searches (see earlier blogs) had begun to worry me with their continued failures. The few cars that actually turned up were half way up the country, far too far away for me to nip up and have a look at them. Plus most of the vehicles were heading towards the five grand mark. Then one afternoon at lunch I typed in ‘Austin Cambridge A60’ into Google and it presented me with the option of ‘Austin Cambridge A60 for sale’. I had done this search several times already but I didn’t have a book to read so I thought it would be worth another try.
The first site was one I hadn’t visited before, but I gamely punched “Cornwall” into the County category and to my astonishment not one but two Austin Cambridges appeared. But wait, it gets better, both were at the same garage West Country Classics in Penzance, about an hours drive away AND both were £2000 or under. How about that for serendipity? I called them and organized a visit the following weekend.
So now, in the glorious Cornish spring sunshine, Don reappeared from under the chassis and concluded that it was a good price and in about as good condition as a sixty year old car was going to be.
So there you have it folks, the Escape Committee finaly has the means to hit the road, now what about insurance....
Next Step:
Sort out the insurance, kitting out and parking for the new car to get it ready for an estimated July departure.
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