From the moment Austin and I set out we knew we only had a single shot at getting to Jordan. As you folks know from older blogs the political situation in the Middle East has been even more troublesome than during my parents trip. I certainly have chosen the most inappropriate time to visit the region; the fallout for the Iraq War, the Syrian Uprising and the Arab Spring were already issues before Austin pulled out of the driveway.
During the weeks we trundled happily south and eastwards Israel and Egypt fell out seriously as the former shot three Egyptian soldiers at the border. As Austin and I began a tour of Cypriot garages the Turkish prime minister Recep Tayip Erdogan, who was angered by Israels attack on shipping visited the new Post-Arab Spring regime in Egypt and as a result, for the time being the chances of crossing from Egypt into Israel, and ultimately Jordan, were scuppered. This week has seen Lebanon make it's formal bid at the UN to be recognized as a country which has has upset the Israelis no end.
But ultimately what stopped us from going any further was the troubles between Northern (Turkish) Cyprus and (Southern) Cyprus. In 1974 Turkey sent it's troops onto Cypriot soil after a Greek backed coup (The Greek Junta had taken power in Athens the year that mum and dad passed through, 1967). The fallout is still deeply felt through the island and as a result Northern Cyprus state is only recognized by the Turkish government. So technically Austin and I had entered through an illegal port and as a consequence would have to exit through that same point. We could not in any shape or form leave Cyprus and head to Israel, nor could I leave Austin and take a passenger ferry or fly. We would have to leave and return to the north.
Once there we couldn't travel to anywhere but back to Turkey. And once there we could only exit back into Greece (or Hungry or Armenia, or Georgia).
Sorry if it's complicated, but it took weeks of searching, calling and talking to people to get all this information. Eventually when the last email came in to say that in no uncertain terms could Austin and I leave Cyprus by any other means than back into the north, it was time to make some decisions. And to be honest these issues have been ongoing for the last fifty years, since Dad and Mum were here, there were very unlikely to change in the next month (especially with Tony Blair sticking his beak in) so sadly Austin and I have decided to return home to the UK and get on with the hard bit- writing the book.
Thanks for all the support and love from everyone.
The blogs will continue so stay tuned in and please stay in touch.
Have a good week folks
And again soz if there are any typos.
Cheers Matt
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